Structured exchange pathways allow you to pursue pre-reviewed course paths at these partner institutions. If you are a current UBC student, and you’re interested in Go Global programs, include some relevant information like the type of program or region of the world you’re interested in. Go Global’s international learning programs offer students transformational experiences that promote global awareness, meaningful engagement, and cross-cultural understanding. If you choose to apply to graduate school you will be required to provide transcripts from all prior institutions attended, including those you attended while on exchange. Having completed two degrees at UBC Okanagan (BA and BEd), I know how easy it is to find reasons not to go on exchange and am passionate about encouraging students to take advantage of the opportunity to go on exchange while they can (speaking from experience of someone who did not take the opportunity to go abroad and regrets it on regular occasion). Alternatively, a selection of virtual summer programs will be available for summer 2021. Usually (read: 75%+ of cases) if you're going on an exchange you pay UBC tuition. How can I make sure my courses transfer? Gateway is a web-based learning abroad management system designed to support student learning abroad experiences. I am a Civil Engineering student and I spent both semesters of my third year studying at the university of Iceland and exploring the country. Introduce yourself to new people and don’t hide in your dorm room! For each partner university, you can find a list of pre-reviewed courses that you can take at each institution. UBC has a large international student exchange program known as Go Global. Students are generally satisfied with exchange credit evaluations, but if you believe that something may have been overlooked, you may appeal by contacting your Go Global advisor. It can also showcase an independence and self-reliance that would be invaluable in the workplace. I am applying to multiple regions. What if the person I gave Power of Attorney lives in Vancouver? Complete the following: If you require further information about how to manage your student loans while on exchange, contact Student Services. Living costs vary from one country to the next and it is also important to consider your living cost budget in Kelowna as your baseline. You will receive an email with the results of your evaluation when they are available and you will be able to track the progress of the evaluation in the online portal. The best place to access current and accurate information is directly from the host country’s embassy, consulate, or high commission. UBC credits are based on semester hours of scheduled class time. When you are accepted to go on exchange you are automatically considered for most International Learning Awards. How does UBC make decisions around cancelling programs? When you’re an international student, exchange isn’t an idea that really crosses your mind. While on exchange, you receive credit for coursework taken abroad; however, grades do not appear on your UBC transcript.,,, © Copyright 2021 The University of British Columbia, explore your ECE degree from a different perspective and gain access to courses you would not have access to at UBC, get an edge in the workforce, as more and more industries value cross-cultural competencies and international experience, experience another country as a student and not just a tourist. However, many do not offer on-campus accommodation and in some cases, you may be required to find off campus housing on your own. The health and safety of UBC students is at the core of any decision made to cancel student travel internationally. At this time, deferrals are not being offered for Go Global programs. Planning your co-op term and an exchange will require some careful planning on your part. Arts, third-year), Unassigned department credit satisfying a general requirement (e.g. Enter the direct URL link of the course description into the Course Request Form. Specialized needs require a customized approach to ensure all product, patient, and market requirements are met. UBC Okanagan Go Global, Kelowna, British Columbia. However, they do become part of your permanent academic record. If the course was taught in a language other than English, you will need to translate the course information with the original course syllabus. Prepare a budget to help determine how much it will cost to study abroad. third-year POLI). This formula is used to calculate the total number of UBC credits that you can receive for courses taken during your exchange. This policy ensures UBC has a set of guidelines that facilitate safe international travel for students. In most cases you can do course work in English. In this case, consult with your Go Global advisor. Imagine studying information architecture in Switzerland, learning about the applications of electromagnetism in Hong Kong, or taking part in industry leading research in Singapore. A relatively undeveloped part of the country because of the rough terrain, but which contains some of the most incredible sights in Iceland. Skip to main content Search UBC Search Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7 Would you like to learn another language through immersion? There you'll find a wide variety of printed materials such as university calendars and brochures from partner universities. Go Global Bursary One of the Go Global Bursaries in the amount of $585.00 is provided to each student automatically as part of their MIDW 370 global placement experience. The photo above is of me on a weekend road trip to the Westfjords of Iceland. It’s arguably the most geologically unique country in the world and its absolutely one of the most naturally beautiful. Two thirds of available positions are matched to top academic applicants based on grades. In general, you should be taking upper-level courses on exchange (equivalent to UBC 300- and 400-level courses). I spent my one-semester exchange at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland filling the ARTS elective credit requirements for my Zoology degree. See the Go Global Web site for more information about "Transfer Credit Equivalency Formulas". Please sign off with your full name. Some universities have homestay programs. Event Details Start: 17 November 2015 9:00 am End: 10 December 2015 12:30 pm Categories: UBC - academic event. Will Summer Abroad programs run in summer 2021? If you haven’t heard about Go Global, it’s an exchange program that UBC offers in conjunction with other Universities, where you can study there but pay UBC fees. What exactly do I need to hand in by the deadline? UBC Go Global I've been thinking about going overseas for a semester, but I'm still not 100% on it. With a Course Request Form, you will need to provide basic course information (course number, title, credit hours, etc. Scotland has always been a place I felt drawn to with all of its history and my family connections; and Edinburgh is the centre of it all with festivals, street performers and incredible museums and architecture. All the while, making connections and friends with people from all over the world was made easy through the tight-knit international community in the city, Reykjavík. (It’s January 18th I believe.) Students who are selected to participate remain registered at UBC; pay only their regular tuition or program fees and student fees to UBC; and remain eligible for UBC awards, scholarships, and financial aid. some Summer Exchange students register for as few as three UBC credits). Lastly, it’s an opportunity to challenge yourself in a new environment and to gain confidence while strengthening your life skills. As an independent, any coursework you complete would be for personal interest only and ineligible for transfer credit. What size campus or town would you like to live in? I have a serious love of traveling, reading, and lifelong learning. The applications open in October 2020 with deadlines on December 3, 2020 and January 28, 2021, depending on the program. Interested in learning more about Go Global? How these credits transfer is dependent on how they are articulated. If you are attending a university that has a three-year degree (Australia, New Zealand, and most countries in Europe), courses in the second year often transfer as upper-level credit at UBC but this needs to be confirmed by faculty or the database. It takes approximately 16 weeks to process transfer credit evaluations from the time a student submits their completed Course Request Forms to the time the evaluation is added to their student record. Go Global also recommends that you consider guidance for travel offered by Global Affairs Canada and other resources through the BC CDC, International SOS and the World Health Organization. Your visa process is based on your citizenship, prior travel, your destination, as well as other personal factors. UBC’s comprehensive global services help pharmaceutical and biotech clients prove their products’ effectiveness, safety and value. Exchange credit can take one of three forms: Your faculty advisor will determine how the credit you earn on exchange will be applied to your degree requirements. Alternatively, you may choose to stay with family or friends. If it is, it’s likely a lower-level course. Enter the correct address on the Student Service Centre (SSC). If you would like to consider a future Go Global program, applications for the following academic year open in October (e.g. Tel: 250 807 9763. If a cancellation is required, Go Global will share information and options with students as early as possible to allow time for making alternate plans. What happens if my Go Global experience gets cancelled due to COVID-19? The UBC Sauder School of Business exchange program is administered with the assistance of UBC Go Global, the central exchange office at UBC. Can I take part in both a co-op program and Go Global? How will my credits transfer back to my degree? For many students, the planning process begins as they start their degree and consider how an exchange might fit into their academic plans. Keep in mind that you are only eligible to receive one UBC mobility award (the one of greatest value will be awarded if you qualify for more than one). In most cases, as a full-time UBC student you are eligible for provincial and national student loans. Study Abroad as Part of Your Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree. UBC Okanagan Go Global, Kelowna, British Columbia. For students interested in studying abroad, don’t forget to stop by the UBC Life Building on October 3rd 2018 to catch the Global Experience Fair! UBC does not authorize student travel for university purposes to any destination that has a Global Affairs Canada risk advisory directing travellers to either “avoid non-essential travel” or “avoid all travel”. Hi everyone! If you have paper course syllabi, type out the required course information into the appropriate field. However, you should consider the following when determining the year level of a course: Courses in the last year of a three-year degree are equivalent to upper-level courses at UBC. Do you advise students about transferring credit from their Exchange? Lastly, it may highlight your ability to succeed in new and challenging environments. Specialized needs require a customized approach to ensure all product, patient, and market requirements are met. Is this true? In general, students may only go on one exchange, to one location per degree, even if the exchange is only a one-term exchange. How many credits do I have to take while on exchange? Emergency Procedures | Accessibility | Contact UBC | © Copyright 2021 The University of British Columbia, UBC APSC Coordinated International Exchange,, Go Global has partner universities in over 35 countries, but some of our partners offer programs and courses that will complement and enhance your UBC International Economics degree. Information about registering for courses at UBC on exchange can be found online.Undergraduate or Graduate students wishing to take graduate-level courses are required to complete the Enrolment of Undergraduate Exchange Students in Graduate Courses form after arrival at UBC.. However, we do have some partnerships with universities that do not offer courses in English. Email: We will evaluate your transfer credit request based on the total number of credits you took at your host university to ensure that you receive the maximum number of credits. You can log back in and update your information at anytime. Nice to meet you! There are many ways to contact returned exchange students. You can explore all of Go Global’s partner institutions by visiting Go Global’s partner pages, or see below for a list of universities that have been recommended by the International Economics Department. Research placements for Summer 2017 are available at the following academic partners: UBC Go Global link:, Applications accepted: December 15, 2016 – March 1, 2017, UBC Go Global link:, Applications accepted: December 1, 2016 – January 30, 2017. It will also allow you to experience international issues and ideas from a fresh perspective. However, since up to date course information from your host university will not be available until closer to the time of your exchange, it may not be possible (or necessary) to know exactly how every course will transfer at this stage. If it does, it’s likely a lower-level course. Will my chances of acceptance increase if I apply early? Go Global; Last update: February 3, 2020. However, if you chose to purchase your ticket before you receive your acceptance, make sure you buy cancellation insurance. College of Graduate Studies, Research at UBCO | VP Research | Research Services, Go to the Disability Resource Centre Website, Go to the DRC Booking Accommodation Portal, Go to the Inclusive Technology Lab Website, Student resources during the COVID-19 outbreak, Health insurance for international students, Resumes, cover letters, curricula vitae & interviews, Credit/D/Fail standing at the Okanagan Campus, Visiting International Research Student at UBC Okanagan, Christopher Kane, Ambassador, Go Global (Iceland, APSC), Claire Wolff, Ambassador, Go Global (Netherlands, MGMT), Ishita Burman, Ambassador, Go Global (UK, IR), Jessica Craig, Ambassador, Go Global (UK, ZOOL), Sophia Rideout, Ambassador, Go Global (UK, POLI). If there are none, it’s likely a lower-level course. Go Global. Also trying and failing to cook. This famous statue lies right in front of ‘Ye Old Trip To Jerusalem’ which claims to be the oldest pub in England and sits right in the centre of the beautiful city. Spy the castle in the background. I was also able to visit seven other countries during my time in Europe, including Sweden, where this picture was taken. Hey, I actually worked for go global after my exchange so I can answer this! When will UBC announce a decision to cancel programs? Our programs include Exchange, Summer Programs, Research and Global Seminar programs. Go Global; Last update: May 18, 2018. Once you have been selected for an exchange, you will be asked to make specific course selections and you can then work towards getting pre-approval for your exchange courses. Also, your faculty advisor (Biology, Human Kinetics) will help you determine course requirements. Our online office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PST/GMT-8). Do not assume that a fellow student’s process will be the same for yours. You can ask for an appointment by emailing exchange [at] ece [dot] ubc [dot] ca or dropping by room K3111. Don’t miss it if you ever get out there. Provide the course descriptions in English as well as the language of instruction. Who should I contact? This may result in decimal numbers. The decision to cancel programs doesn’t follow a strict timeline, but relies on ongoing monitoring of the probability of travel while considering the impact of a cancellation on students’ academic plans. Who uses Gateway? These sources offer information about international border closures and travel recommendations associated with preventing the spread of COVID-19. No matter where you decide to Go Global, it is a life-changing decision that you will never regret in life! Visit the transfer credit page for more information. Contact your Go Global advisor if you have any questions. Education You can explore all of Go Global’s partner institutions by visiting Go Global’s partner pages, or see below for a list of universities that have been recommended by the International Economics Department. In this case, an appeal is not required. Look at your partner university page on our website for more information. Complete this form and give it to your POA. I am currently completing my Masters of Business Administration, and when I’m not head deep in work or study, my passions include travel, playing & watching football (soccer), supporting Liverpool FC, and continued learning/development. Students who require special accommodation should contact a Go Global advisor regarding their needs at least six weeks prior to the application deadline. While there I took all of my fourth-year technical elective credits and some other courses in environmental economics, sciences, and city planning. I am a BA graduate from UBC Okanagan and an MEd graduate from UBC Vancouver and spent part of that degree in Copenhagen. Email: Applications are only evaluated after the application deadline. For example, if you are applying to the University of Glasgow, the University of Copenhagen, and the University of Sydney, you should apply for all three by the earliest of the three deadlines. UBC drum making workshop celebrates Aboriginal culture while strengthening global connections. I … Go Global does not facilitate your housing at the host university. I have questions about the application procedures. Library | Give to UBCO Can I still participate in my selected Summer Abroad program even if UBC decides to cancel? Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Medicine (Southern Medical) Applications accepted: November 5, 2016 - January 20, 2017, Technical University of Aachen (Germany), Applications accepted: October 5, 2016 – December 15, 2016. Therefore, taking a full course load while on exchange will be the same as taking a full course load here at UBC. I am in the fourth year of my degree pursuing international relations in the hopes of having a career in international affairs. Going on exchange can be a transformational learning experience. While you may be registered in 15 UBC credits and assessed for 15 credits of tuition, some students choose to take fewer courses. Before you go on exchange, contact Student Services to get an Off-Campus Document Request form. Go Global is an opportunity to study or do research overseas during your UBC degree You pay UBC tuition with the exception of a few partner universities where tuition is paid directly to them (this is indicated in our partner pages). Unfortunately, if UBC decides to cancel international programs and you choose to still participate (provided the partner university continues to offer the program), it would be outside of UBC activity. Go Global develops and facilitates international learning opportunities for UBC students and manages the Student Safety Abroad Registry. UBC Go Global, Vancouver, BC. Are there any scholarships or awards available? The decision to cancel programs doesn’t follow a strict timeline, but relies on ongoing monitoring of the possibility of travel while considering the impact of a cancellation on students’ academic plans. Simply write your tentative major and/or minor on your Go Global application. Make sure you are registered in a full-course load as determined by your partner university to avoid jeopardizing your student visa. We encourage students to push their boundaries and explore new perspectives. Please e-mail to reach us. Go Global has partnered with universities in different areas of the world to offer you programs and courses that will complement and enhance your UBC ECE degree: ETH Zurich in Switzerland, the National University of Singapore, University College of London, University of Bristol in UK, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Lund University in Sweden. Can I still get a student loan while I'm on exchange? For program requirements, contact your departmental advisor; for faculty requirements, contact the central faculty advising office. Talking this through with someone is often a good strategy as it helps you clarify your goals. While we may round up or down the total credit value, you cannot receive more than the total taken. Student programs include Global Seminars, Exchange, Summer programs, Research and Internships abroad, and Practicum Placements. In addition to the guidance offered by Global Affairs Canada, UBC considers reliable sources like the BC CDC, International SOS and the World Health Organization. Exchange transfer credit counts as credit earned at UBC. Will going on exchange delay my graduation? Does the course cover the subject at a very broad level without going into detail in a particular topic? Advising & Involvement Centre ) email: goglobal.okanagan @ directly: please include your UBC transcript and! P.M. 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