You then spin down the shape layer's Contents, drill down to Shape>Path, then select the path and paste. The next keyframe is created in the same manner, here I have advanced the time cursor and moved the mask upwards to the right of the text. Make new videos every month to win. Why isn't After Effects preview real-time? You can also cycle through the shapes by using the Q shortcut. 1) select the Path property from Shape Layer - ensure that you select the word Path, it has a stopwatch icon next to it 2) select the target layer. 7. create a temporary mask if it doesn't already have one. Creating and using masks is a fundamental aspect of getting the best from After Effects, here we will look at the process for creating masks from the shape menu, which is the most straightforward way to implement a mask. To get started we first create a new composition, I created a small 320x240 resolution composition for this purpose, and added a text layer that simply contains a single word ‘mask’ in yellow. Be aware that you can also copy the path information of shape layer paths just as you can with masks. As we can see, it negates the mask that is underneath it, but has no effect on the one that is above it. Check his site and Adobe Exchange. select the Mask Path property and paste (CTRL+V) Copying a Mask Path to a Shape Layer’s Path property is accomplished analogously. So I just want to paste some paths via the clipboard from a photoshop shape layer into an existing shape layer (on a path section by stopwatch) Only seems to mask the layer. We set our keyframes in the timeline, and After Effects animates the points in between for us. Copy&Paste. Changing mask 2, the middle one, to ‘Subtract’ reveals this result. The plane moving along the animated mask path. Display mask data and save them in a .txt file. IMPORTANT: When you use the Convert To Bezier Path command to convert a parametric shape path to a Bezier shape path, the Bezier path that is created does not animate well (i.e., interpolation between paths behaves strangely and unpredictably). If you want to take a mask and convert it to a shape layer then all you have to do is select the mask path, copy that, then use the pen tool (keyboard shortcut g) to draw any path in the comp window. Animate objects along paths in After Effects using the Trace Path tool or build a quick setup using expressions to animate arrows. copy and paste does not work the way i want it. It's amazing ! To replace a mask path, select the mask in the Timeline panel, Layer panel, or Composition panel. All rights reserved. Family&Business, How to Create a Mask from a Shape with After Effects. After converting to Bezier Path, Go to Layer > New Mask on the layer where you want your shape mask to go. Managing and animating shape paths and masks; Face Tracking; Shape attributes, paint operations, and path operations for shape layers; Mask Tracking; Mask Reference; Feature Summary | After Effects (May 2020 release) Text. If the parametric path is animated (keyframed), the converted Bezier path is a static path based on the parametric path at the current time; keyframes are lost. So what we have so far is the mask starting off revealing the whole word, then shrinking into one corner, then moving up to the top left, I will now create two more keyframes to move it across to the top right of the text, and final the bottom right. I want to fill that animated circle with color. I animated the mask, selected and copied its keys and then selected the path properties of the target in the layers and pasted - worked great. Together, these vertices and segments create paths. As with most things in After Effects, creating movement using masks is based around the keyframe function. If you have a mask path or a motion path or a shape path and you want to make sure that you copy it perfectly set a keyframe and then Cut the keyframe you just created (Ctrl/Cmnd + x) then select the pen tool, click to start a mask on a layer or a new shape layer and paste (Ctrl/Cmnd + v). I've created a relatively flat checkmark which looks like this:Note that you need to actually complete the path in order to create a shape. That's also how you would turn an animated mask into an animated shape layer. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Join Eran Stern for an in-depth discussion in this video, Creating cutout animations using Auto-trace, part of After Effects Tips and Techniques: Shapes, Text Masks, and Path Effects. This assures you that you're moving the path info and it always works. Tips, Create Videos for However, if you still think it is difficult to use, consider Wondershare FilmoraPro, which is a professional video editor for intermediate users who want to enter a higher video editing level. Video Editing Tips, Advanced if i copy the mask and paste it onto a shape layer, its amask path on a shape layer - not a shape path! I found if I copy the Mask Path directly and paste it on to the Path of the shape, it will convert that mask into a shape. Editing Tips, Apply The steps I'm making are: In a new comp, drag with  Rectangle tool creates Shape Layer 1, Pick the Star tool, click Tool Creates Mask button, and draw a star mask over the rectangle, Press F2 to deselect layers, pick Ellipse tool and draw to create Shape Layer 2, Select and copy Mask Path property from Shape Layer 1, Select the Ellipse Path property from Shape Layer 2, and paste, This does not convert the mask to shape but adds the mask to Shape Layer 2. Your mask is now a Shape Path. Then, use the pic whip from this new mask and link it to the path (the converted path) from … In the following part, we will show you how to mask in After Effects. First off, the tool itself is on the top menu, or shortcut ‘Q’, the drop down menu allows you to choose from a variety of shapes as we can see here. Changing to Intersect inverts the mask it overlaps apart from the area of intersection, and finally. This is purely to illustrate the technique, you can use a mask on any type of layer you wish in your projects, as we will discuss later on. I realize this is 2-3 years later, and AE might've changed from various updates, but no such luck. Get the most out of your motion graphics workflow with After Effects Tips and Techniques, the series that introduces new shortcuts, hidden gems, and overlooked effects to experienced After Effects artists.In this course you'll learn how to make the most out of shapes, masks, text, and path effects: some of the most flexible and design-friendly elements of the software. I'm following the latest instructions to a "T", including the video that included one more step (adding adding the stroke to a path), but would like to either directly copy and paste paths into the contents of a shape layer from Illustrator, or convert the mask paths into the contents of a shape layer. Then using the shape tool with the blue layer selected, I created 3 separate rectangular masks as we can see here. You might draw a crazy random shape or you might take the time to design a simple icon. As a result of this, a mask path will be formed by default by pressing “M” to get the Mask Path property. Video Effects, More To achieve that I'm trying to convert a copy of that mask to a shape layer. This is related to path direction and how transformations are stored. ... and then converting the result to degrees using the radiansToDegrees() function. Masks, even when created with the shape tools, are converted immediately to paths. How to use Merge Paths in After Effects We can change this to seven different modes, as we can see here. option for creating shape layers based on Bezier paths: When a shape tool (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Polygon, Star, or Ellipse tool) is active, you can use the new Bezier Path option in the Tools panel to create a new shape based on a Bezier path, as opposed to the default of creating a new shape based on a parametric path. If you have anything that can be copied and pasted to a mask path all you have to do is make sure no layers are selected, select the pen tool, click anywhere to start a path, then paste. Hi, I have the same problem and the suggestion didn't work for me. The time-honored one is to use Illustrator to change it. Use the pen tool on the Shape layer. Why As the below shot shows, the controls for the mask extend beyond simply moving it, you can adjust the opacity, feather the mask to blend it, even change its shape as part of the movement. Download it now to have a try. Your mask is now a Shape Path." Duplicate the layer and rename it "Vase Mask." Jeff Almasol also created a script to automate this when you need to do it en masse. Reverse mask path, reversing the direction of the mask path without changing the values of the vertices and tangents. With them, you can create straight lines with sharp angles, perfectly smooth curves, or a combination of the two. Paste directly onto that Path attribute. Go to your layer with the mask that you want to copy. It's been a while since this was posted, but for anyone interested, here's how I made it work: Copy mask path, create a new shape layer, click Add: > Path, and paste. You can mask video with it to unleash your creativity. create a temporary mask if it doesn’t already have one. I have created an animated rectangle on a shape layer and I want to copy the path of the rectangle to a mask on an adjustment layer. How can I convert a mask to a path in After Effects? How can I convert a mask to a path in After Effects? Here’s the video tutorial: See how it works. You can have more than one mask on a layer, and you can vary how they interact to create numerous effects, to illustrate this I created a new composition, and added two solid layers using Layer>New>Solid, the first layer is bright red, and the second layer blue. Using the shape tool will create a mask ONLY if the layer you wish to mask is selected in the timeline, if nothing is selected, the tool will create a shape layer. If you want to take a mask and convert it to a shape layer then all you have to do is select the mask path, copy that, then use the pen tool (keyboard shortcut g) to draw any path in the comp window. There are two types of mask uses that you should be aware of: reveal masking and crop masking. Just selecting a mask or motion path doesn't always work. The final part is simply to expand the mask to the left to reveal the whole word again. The Building Blocks of a Shape To understand a shape layer, you first need to learn a few of the fundamentals. How to fix "Display Acceleration Disabled", Fix dynamic link between After Effects and AME. It is important to note that unless the ‘inverted’ box is ticked next to the mask component of the timeline, the mask hides everything but what is contained within the mask itself. Masking forms the basic building block of many techniques that are used in After Effects to create spectacular effects, and understanding the workflow and possibilities at the base level is an important step in using the full extent of After Effects, although our simple movement is quite a basic clip, it features the fundamentals of movement and mask adjustment that all aspects of masking require. Copyright © document.querySelector('#copyright-year').outerHTML = new Date().getFullYear() Wondershare. Whilst many try and jump in at the deep end with all the advanced techniques, it is important to have a good understanding of the underlying processes and how they interact to be successful in the long term. by Bring the sh… Once a mask is drawn you cannot change the number of points in a star by simply adjusting a number. However, as we have seen, there are further options to adjust the mask effects so now it is time to look at these in a little detail as well. Get inspired and grow as an editor! The mask was converted to shape and no keyframes were required for the target. Bezier curves give you the greatest control over the shape of the mask. To get started we first create a new composition, I created a small 320x240 resolution composition for this purpose, and added a text layer that simply contains a single word ‘mask’ in yellow. International phone rates may be charged by your service provider. *Did it on AE CC 2018 but maybe it translates to other versions... 2. There are many instances you will want to do this, but for this project we are looking at masking specifically, and so we ensure our text layer ‘Mask’ is highlighted, select the rectangle shape tool, and draw a mask around the text, which results in what we see in this screenshot. The After Effects CC (12.2) update makes creating Bezier paths easier and more obvious. Setting it as none essentially disables the mask. Thank you so much! How to Use Masks in After Effects. You then spin down the shape layer's Contents, drill down to Shape>Path, then select the path and paste. Managing and animating shape paths and masks in After Effects. 4. You can still create a selection from a work path, but first, it’s a good practice to save any path you might want to use again in the future. Now choose Add – Path (when I do this I get an error, but it still works). Within the text layer on the timeline we selects the Mask and then click the stopwatch next to Mask Path to create our first keyframe at the start of this clip. To replace a shape path, select the shape path (not the group) in the Composition panel or Timeline panel. You'll see that we have the vase layer minus the inner shapes, with keyframes for that squishy animation. It works every time. A mask is an invisible shape that tells After Effects to only pay attention to a specific section of your composition. This means after creating the first anchor point you should place a few more on the document and bend/twist them as needed. Please help! Selecting Mask 1 makes the mask active and also selects all the vertices. 1) select the Path property from Shape Layer – ensure that you select the word Path, it has a stopwatch icon next to it 2) select the target layer. 6. To create a mask on a shape layer, select Tool Creates Mask in the Tools panel with a shape tool active. Video Editing Tips, Audio If you want to move a single path from Adobe Illustrator to Adobe after effects, you need to copy that path from Illustrator and then paste it to After Effects. Fortunately, it’s easy to convert a path to a selection. Drill down into the mask to reveal the Mask Path (it's the attribute with the stopwatch). Copyright © 2020 Adobe. command for converting a parametric shape layer path to a Bezier path: You can convert a parametric path to a Bezier path after the parametric path has already been created by context-clicking (right-clicking or Control-clicking on Mac OS) the property group for the parametric path (e.g., Rectangle Path 1) and choosing the Convert To Bezier Path command from the context menu. Masking in After Effects is a relatively simple process. This is a basic tutorial about the professional video editing software After Effects. Sergei Prokhnevskiy is a Charlotte, NC based motion graphics designer, an online tutor, an entrepreneur, and Adobe MAX Master Speaker. Bring up your video to a professional level with straightforward tools. Vector path such as text, masks, and shapes are among the most flexible elements in this software. I can click that off, by clicking Toggle Mask and Shape Path Visibility off. This is the foundation of creativity within After Effects, but we now have our text and our mask, what can we actually do with it? This explanation was exactly what I was looking for and it worked in AE CC 16.0.1, "If you want to take a mask and convert it to a shape layer then all you have to do is select the mask path, copy that, then use the pen tool (keyboard shortcut g) to draw any path in the comp window. In this case though, I have simply advanced the timeline 5 seconds and shrunk the mask to one corner, and created the second keyframe. In After Effects, if you want to create a … Unlike Shape Layers, which have their own layers, masks exist in the layer they are affecting. These 4 are the main modes that will be used in mask work, the others can have their uses, experimenting with them is the best way to understand their effects in various situations. Thanks. Go to your text/mask layer and open it up (Press M-that should open all the mask paths), copy the first mask and paste it into the path you created on your shape layer. Select the layer containing the mask Hit the “M” key to bring up the mask path property for that mask Click the stopwatch to create a keyframe for this property (which allows you to animate mask shapes) At the most basic level, an After Effects shape is a vector graphic made up of vertices and segments. The order process, tax issue, and invoicing to end-users are conducted by Wondershare Technology Co., Ltd, the Wondershare group'subsidiary. Simply open up the shape layer properties in the timeline panel, select and copy the shape path, and then paste to the desired layer’s position attribute. Whilst obviously, such a simple sequence is not going to win any awards, it does illustrate the basic steps of manipulating masks created from the shape tool and I am sure you can begin to see the possibilities, add in movement in the layer under the mask and you can produce some amazing effects very quickly indeed. Find comprehensive software tutorials and learn how to get the most out of Filmora. These numbers create the vectors that create the shapes. I have a text layer with text on a mask path that is a closed circle and animated. It supports rectangle, ellipse and freehand masking mode. Eran Stern shows how to scale these elements, add effects to path outlines, extrude artwork in 3D space, and incorporate numbers and expressions in your effects. Be aware, though, that parametric shape layer items like ellipse, star etc cannot be converted. It works every time. This is the final keyframe for this movement and completes our little animation. (upbeat tune) - [Voiceover] Hi, my name is Eran Stern and welcome to After Effects Tips and Techniques: Shapes, Text, Masks, and Path Effects. 3. Video Editing Software, Basic select the Mask Path property and paste (CTRL+V) Copying a Mask Path to a Shape Layer's Path property is accomplished analogously. Creating the layer mask requires making a selection. In Illustrator, Select All and Copy. Personalize your videos with creative templates. Twirl it open and choose Add – Group (empty). You can use it to hide or reveal part of a layer or object. This allows us to create some interesting effects with just a simple rectangular mask and a single word of text. Now we have a sequence where we start with the whole word ‘mask’, which then disappears as the mask shrinks down, then parts of the word are revealed as the mask travels around the text. The path was a work path, which is temporary; it will be replaced if you draw another path. First create a new document and just draw any path on the canvas. I found out that if an illustrator path (singular path, not multiple paths) is copied to the clipboard it will paste under the shape layer if first "initiated" with a path. (If you have more paths than brain cells right now, first paste them to a solid in After Effects, then press M and count how many mask paths are created!) Create Dynamic Transitions All rights reserved. In After Effects, you will need to select just the keyframe for the mask shape (not the shape itself, nor the entire layer). Twirl it open, pick whip the path just as before, and you can get rid of the Gradient as well. Here's a video that made it more clear for me: AE Quick tip - Copy Illustrator path into after effects - YouTube. Regular masks are attached to and exist within the layer they are affecting, while Shape Layers exist as separate objects which can work in a similar way to masks. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Finally, the correct answer !!!!!! Can I convert a Mask path into a shape path in AECS4? Benjamin Arango is a writer and a lover of all things video. This is purely to illustrate the technique, you can use a mask on any type of layer you wish in your projects, as we will discuss later on. Well, some lines there are just the various paths. You'll find the shape properties in the timeline under Contents, then Polystar, Rectangle and so forth. This shows all three masks in the default form, I have overlapped them to illustrate how you can change the various mask modes for different effects. Be sure that you select the path property on the shape layer before pasting. Your mask is now a Shape Path.". "If you want to take a mask and convert it to a shape layer then all you have to do is select the mask path, copy that, then use the pen tool (keyboard shortcut g) to draw any path in the comp window. here are some of my custom expressions to convert path/mask data into position and rotation from any other layer; just use a slider (named "Slider Control") in my demo to animate the tracking of the path from 0-100. just make sure when you pickwhip the paths, you keep them inside single quotes ( ' ), or the expression cannot parse the data correctly! Jan 22, 2021 19:27 PM. Now we have our start position we can create our movement by advancing the time cursor and then adjusting the mask for the next keyframe. I repeated the same steps as in my previous message, except that instead of "pick Ellipse tool and draw to create Shape Layer 2", I picked the Pen tool and created a closed triangle. The shape is semi-transparent and I'm trying to create an adjustment layer below to blur the background under the shape. For some reason it's not working for me. Today’s post is about how to convert Adobe Illustrator files to shapes in After Effects. The text is still there, it hasn’t moved at all, the mask just hides parts of it as it moves around. Inverted works in reverse, everything is visible but what is inside the mask. thank you for your patience. The result as before was still pasted mask insted of shape in the target layer. Easy-to-use and powerful video editor for all creators. The size, radius, number of points, number of sides are defined by numbers. For now, you should not use these converted paths for animated paths (interpolation between paths); but, if you do want to try, you may be able to work around the issues by reversing the path before conversion. Click once (anywhere on the comp) to add a "path" attribute on that Shape Layer. If the target was also animated and its keyframes are on different places than the keyframes of the replacing mask (the source), then I got some interesting morphing animation created by keyframes of star and triangle paths. Credits go to this guy: Rick,  you are such an asset to this community. Setting a keyframe, then cutting it and pasting to a new path that you have just started always works. The method of pasting a path from Illustrator to After Effects is quite simple. Select the layer containing the mask Hit the “M” key to bring up the mask path property for that mask Click the stopwatch to create a keyframe for this property (which allows you to animate mask shapes) Fix `` display Acceleration Disabled '', fix dynamic link between After Effects, if want. Post is about how to get the most basic level, an entrepreneur, and finally an... A work path, then select the path just as you type vertices... 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