$49.00 $ 49. Your broadcasted seeds will not grow, if there is a layer of dead weed and grass debris between the seed and the soil. This long, winding plot can also be used to create precision stand locations. Try and get as far away from a 4-wheeler trail or a food plot as you can, take a backpack leaf blower and four to five pounds of some type of seed that germinates really quickly with you. Seeds can be no-till drilled or broadcast onto a firm seedbed at the rate of 2-5#’s per acre. The GENESIS is a true, no till food plot drill that will plant a variety of food plot seeds and blends, into the ground, even in the toughest soil conditions. DIY: How to Plant a No-Till Food Plot. *Beauty is in the eye beholder, so even though I missed a strip of weeds down the center of this 2007 no till food plot, it was “picture perfect”, because it was in the perfect location to accomplish our parcel goals. Our efforts that began in the Spring, rewarded us with an ever-increasing deer herd as the hunting season progresses into early January, in particular when it came to the buck portion of the population. 2. I wouldn’t tell you that the standard product you get from the local co-op or from the … The term “brassica” covers turnip, kale, forage rape and swede. The GENESIS features tempered cutting discs, spaced at 7.5 inches apart. Why? In areas with light and poor soils, try 25-50 pounds/acre of buckwheat instead of the beans and peas. Granted, it is a great starting point, but let’s follow clover through the year to see where it comes up short.During the summer, clover is at its peak production and is utilized most heavily by deer. How to Plant the Ultimate No-Till Food Plot. That being said, some grow faster than others and will be better for those who procrastinate. The six acres of plots provided a huge amount of September to April nutrition, which successfully covered a time of little nutrition in the whitetail woods. By starting with a smaller field of a 1/4 to 1/2 acre in size, you can apply the mixture at the recommended rate, check the tank to see how much spray is left, and then make adjustments in your speed if necessary. I encourage you to use your imagination to not only find no till food plot success, but the deer management and hunting opportunities that come with it. Ideally, your first spraying should take place when the weeds are only several inches high and growing aggressively, with moderate to warm temperatures. To combat this, I recommend a brassica base with at least 5 pounds/acre of tillage radish, which pushes an enlarged taproot into the soil a foot or more. I have used a ½ pint of glyphosate to kill one-eighth of an acre, and the results were the same as if I had used an ATV, so don’t be afraid to tackle a spraying and planting without the use of an ATV. Not unless it met the requirements outlined in, “Precision Kill Plot Creations”. Although they have long been used as a livestock forage, brassicas came on the scene as a deer forage about 20 to 30 years ago. Each seed variety to be used, in combination with either a brassica or cereal grain base, has a purpose and strategy, so I encourage you to experiment with a purpose. In areas with great soil and low deer numbers, a huge variety of forages may be the best approach. A hand-held broadcast spreader is the only tool you need for an effective basic planting of winter rye. Repeated freezes/thaw cycles in the spring will cause the rotted root system of the radish to fill with water, freeze, thaw and loosen the soil. Tractors certainly do have their place in the food plot world – especially for high-production corn and soybean plantings, deep discing or tilling, and plowing – but ATV no-till food plot options may offer the perfect solution to a more efficient and cost-effective program for your personal needs. Also, have you ever tried to no till brassicas in late summer into clover plots? Mow … We don’t use the ordinary turnips you can get at the local feed mills. To broadcast seed, first disc or till the ground then cutipack soil, broadcast seed, and pack again. Keep up the great work!! If rain is in the forecast, you may find that a light drag or cultipacker is not necessary. In addition, you also have to consider the timing of your plantings. Are your plots located well? In the case of very poor soils, a straight planting of rye may be your answer. My favorite brassica blend is simply broadcasted in late July onto the exposed soil, through the light covering of dead and decaying weed debris. Why? With forage rape, kale, tillage radish, and 3 varieties of turnips, our brassica blend has it all. Brassicas are a great choice for small food plots. These are great choices for the small property owner with limited time, but even professional deer managers with thousands of acres use them extensively. FREE Shipping. High in protein and highly digestible, Brassicas are a great forage crop at a time when little else is available for deer to eat. This is too early to plant a single planting of wheat or rye, so I recommend that you return a last time to broadcast the small cereal grains around Labor Day. Rape germinates and grows very quickly. -Brassica should not be planted more than two years in a row, in the same location, due to the possibility of disease build-up; so the two recommended base plantings of brassica and rye can and should be rotated to avoid any problems. I rely on a 2 quarts per acre spraying of 41% glyphosate solution for the first spraying. One of my favorite aspects about designing client parcels is to design efficient, less expensive food plot programs that often save thousands of dollars or more in overall seed and equipment expense. ), could potentially lead you to predictable success. Most deer managers consider clover to the universal food plot crop. Australian Winter Peas. I add the water first, and then add the glyphosate towards the end of filling the tank to mix the solution. All rights reserved. Brassica is an important part of any food plot program. Planting No-Till Food Plots: Cutting Corners. All of them! The goal is to produce a crop of cereal grains that is complimented by highly attractive peas and that produces enough growth to completely cover the soil. Typical fall food plot forages include brassicas (turnips, kale, radishes), oats, rye, winter peas, and winter wheat. After planting hundreds of acres of successful no-till food plots for myself, across multiple states since 1999, I not only recommend these approaches to my clients, but I continue to personally rely on them for my own planting endeavors. When the new growth of various weeds and grasses are 6-10″ and growing aggressively, it is time for your first of 3 total sprayings. The addition of Purple Top turnip provides an attractive food source that will sustain the draw of your plot through late fall and winter after the tops are gone. When you return to broadcast your rye, wheat or both, the brassica portion of your no till food plot should be 4-8″ high, depending on rainfall. 1. After completion of the third spraying, a sufficient amount of soil should be exposed to begin planting activities. Brassica Planting Methods. Bow hunters especially can benefit from this mixture by establishing a food plot in remote areas with little preparation. Would you believe in 2006 alone, I planted 18 acres of my own no till food plots in 3 States with this practice – with just an ATV, a hand held broadcaster and a 25 gallon ATV sprayer? 4. The intention here is to first establish the oats and peas which will be foraged on as soon as they germinate. -Another approach to consider is a cereal grain combination planting. Truax. Brassicas plants are more commonly referred to as cruciferous vegetables, cabbages, or mustard plants. 2. 99. -You may even have an area you want to develop into a food plot that contains early successional growth such as aspen or red willow. Food Plot Equipment. After you have broadcasted your brassicas in late July or early August on the first 1/2, you can then return around Labor Day to plant cereal grain combinations directly alongside the earlier brassica plantings. Yamaha Grizzly ATV. Brassica Blend is a mixture of fast growing brassicas that produces a lush forage to attract and hold deer to your plots from mid- to late-fall. Both plots have are around 100 yards apart and have the exact same soil and growing conditions. No disc? In a springtime no-till plot (in the north), products like Clover Plus or Non-Typical would be good choices (late summer through fall in the south). There are numerous species that belong to genus Brassica, and the more commonly used forages are rape, kale, turnips and radishes. 3. To find out more, try reading, “Thin Is In, For Food Plot Designs”. During the beginning of the annual Spring growing season, is the most important time to begin your food plots! If so, more palatable crops such as forage soybeans would most likely be over browsed unless they were protected by a food plot … If you have particularly stubborn weed growth, it can be effective to add 1 pint per acre of a broadleaf-specific product (e.g., 2-4D) to this early Spring spraying. To make a killer food plot for deer in the woods, you only need three items – a backpack leaf blower or a rake, seeds and fertilizer. So what blend works best? If you care to push the envelope of small parcel food plot strategies, then proceed with an open mind and consider how these no till food plot practices that were first designed for the resource-challenged (me! You don’t need expensive equipment to put in serious food plots. Your goal should be to establish a couple bases of plantings that will allow you to offer food for the entire hunting season and more. Todd Amenrud. I feel the need to repeat, that your first spraying of the year is by far the most critical, because of the need to eliminate future weed debris. Rape is a cool-season annual forage that is relatively quick to germinate. ... including, Food Plot Success By Design. *This October, 2006 no till food plot picture illustrates not only the potential effectiveness of the planting method, but the incredible amount of forage that can be created to a high volume of food at a time when the local ag fields and native habitat is quickly decreasing in forage value. No problem! CropCare Sprayers and Sprayer Accessories. The Incredible, Edible Brassica. The only downside to using this technique to sweeten the planting is the possibility of heavy grazing. Your goal should be to cover the seeds with Ľ to 1” of soil, followed by an immediate cultipacking. No-Till Annual Food Plot Rotations. What should you plant this year? Do you live hours away from your hunting land? -Using only no-till planting methods can lead to soil compaction through repeated vehicle use on the planting surface. Brassicas can be no-till drilled at ½ the broadcast rate into a sod by applying two quarts/acre glyphosate at least three days prior to seeding. One of the best choices for late Fall and Winter forage when freezing temperatures raise the sugar content of the leaf and increases its attractiveness for deer. Ideally, you should try to broadcast the seed blend when there’s a couple weeks of rain in the forecast. If young saplings exist, simply drive over them with your ATV, spray them, and let the glyphosate do its job. Copyright © 2021 Field & Stream. It's an easy to statement to grab and latch onto (and even sounds cool), but it reflects a lack of experience with this power-packed little seed blend. Field & Stream may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. Hancock's No-Till FALL Food Plot Mix Description Hancock's No Till FALL Food Plot Seed Mix allows hunters with limited tillage equipment a method to grow a great food plot. 1. John, The 12 acres is only 1.7% of the property in food plots. *Don’t forget to check out my trilogy of Advanced Whitetail Strategy books, including my food plot strategy book,“Food Plot Success by Design”. The discs slice into the soil, allowing the seeding mechanism to plant the seeds into the … A full 200 pounds per acre of rye is not out of the question. A light drag and cultipacker can be used, but be careful not to cover the brassica seeds by more than a 1/4″ of soil. In this video I compare no till and tilling by planting the same blends of Brassicas in 2 separate plots. Brassicas. This couldn't be further from the truth. Great Plains. In addition, it’s best if you can time your plantings for approximately 10 weeks before the expected first frost in your area. If the seeds that you eventually will plant are broadcasted on top of dead grass and weeds instead of soil, your no till food plot will not grow. In fact, I found that by spending less time planting food plots, and more time focusing on stand locations, mature buck movements, and my overall approach to hunting, both my deer management and hunting success have increased. When choosing what to plant and why, make sure to read, “Food Plot Attraction Timing”. ... Aside from being less work, there are many advantages to no-till food plotting, such as … Does this mean they shouldn't be planted, probably not. Currently, rape is the most common brassica planted in food plots for deer, and it has many benefits. To make sure, try reading, “4 Advanced Food Plot Location Strategies”. EarthWay Ev-N-Spred Hand Spreader. These are all cool season annuals that grow quickly, hence why they are planted during the late-summer and early-fall. Six acres of plots may seem like a lot of plot acreage to create without traditional agricultural equipment, but it was actually extremely easy to prepare and plant all of the acres, with just a few timely hours of work every few weeks. No matter how big or small your food plot program is, you can expect success with this proven no till food plot method. Even if you own all the tools of luxury when it comes to food plot fun, you may just want to give your tractor a bit of a rest after reading about these planting strategies. Rape is the most common brassica planted in food plots for deer. In this video I plant 2 separate small food plots. ... Brassica Blend Fall Food Plot Seed 1 Acre Daikon Radish, Purple Top Turnips, Forage Rape Deer Food Plot Seed. No tiller? Brassicas are cool-season annuals that have high proteins (15% to 20 % crude protein) and digestibility (65% to 80%). May 17, 2016 By Steve Bartylla. Use Wise Tillage Practices. Fimco ATV Accessories / Sprayers. I used to enjoy my tractor and all of its trimmings, but I haven’t missed it one bit, and I enjoy both the efficiency as well as the results. I often tell my clients that if they are planting less than 10 acres, they can usually plant as efficiently with an ATV, hand-held broadcaster spreader, ATV sprayer, light disc and cultipacker while using no till food plot methods, as they could with a tractor and all of its implements. Why You Should Try No-Till Food Plots The dead vegetation of a no-till plot acts as a mulch, which retains moisture for better germination rates. *Two to three weeks later, broadcast 100 pounds/acre of winter rye, and two to three weeks after that, broadcast another 100 pounds/acre of rye right over the top of the fresh young growth. (In a pinch I have cultipacked with everything from lawn rollers, ATV and tractor tires, and vehicle tires.) They will withstand heavy grazing pressure due to the high amount of forage they produce and is easy to establish. There are also many commercial blends of brassicas offered by food plot companies and some of their selections are very highly evolved. You can still expect a very high level of success. 4.3 out of 5 stars 23. Brassica Base. ... You should plant clover if you are looking to maintain no-till food plots for deer. Sometimes planting a food plot is the easy part. One of my favorite cereal grain plantings that I now recommend the most, is as follows: *Approximately 6-8 weeks prior to your projected first frost, lightly disc into the exposed soil 50 pounds/acre of oats and up to 100 pounds/acre of Austrian winter peas. Wisconsin expert Jeff Sturgis shares his secrets for growing brassicas, cereal grains, and even beans and peas on the cheap. A second and third spraying should be completed between 4 – 6 weeks apart with 1 quart per acre of glyphosate, instead of 2 quarts. Instead, small seeds like clovers, brassicas, chicory, alfalfa and some cereal grains will need to be your choices. Depending on the parcel (even neighboring parcels can vary greatly) the rate of foraging on a brassica planting can vary from \"nothing left on the ground within a month of planting\" to \"rotting bulbs and greens in the Spring\". Dwarf essex is one of the most common varieties used in food plots. Whether you are using a single or 2-nozzle sprayer on the back of the ATV, a speed of approximately 7-8 mph should apply the appropriate amount of herbicide with this setup. If you live in an area where the local deer herd browses on brassica plantings early and often, adding beans, buckwheat and/or peas to your planting will only magnify the intensity and frequency of the browsing pressure. Your no till food plot can all begin between June 1st and July 15th, to offer you a wide range of easy planting options! Mature buck hunting, herd and habitat techniques. No-Till Drills. The rotted root system also traps nitrogen within the soil, which can be greatly reduce the amount of fertilizer needed for the following year’s no till food plot rotations. Usage of this brassica plot will peak after the first fall frost as sugar content in the plants increase. From 2005 to 2013 My lease partners and I had six acres of plantings on our southwest Wisconsin lease, and those six acres played a critical role in both the hunting and herd potential of the parcel. RTP Outdoor's GENESIS no-till food plot drill was developed with the hunter & wildlife manager in mind. Because althoug… The brassica planting comes first, and over the years I have learned that you will be much more successful if you time the broadcasting of your favorite brassica combo immediately prior to forecasted rain of at least a 1/4″. TOP FORAGES TO PLANT IN DEER FOOD PLOTS Brassicas can draw in whitetails well into the late stages of the season when other food plot forages have become less attractive. John. Also, high success rates have been recorded in larger seeds with softer, more absorbent outer husks and shells, such as oats, wheat and cereal rye. The no till planting method can be very successful with this mix. I really like to broadcast a heavy planting, and with an Earthway Model 2750, vinyl bag spreader, you will find that you can pack about 30 pounds of rye into, and spread, with a rate of spread set to the largest opening. Choosing the right food plot blend for your soil, deer numbers, climate and habitat setting. *This portion of the ag field had been fallow for years, while developing a significant amount of weed debris along the way. If your plots receive high browsing pressure or poor growth and you’re left with a field of mostly soil, simply cover your brassica blend with a broadcasting of 200 pounds/acre of rye grain 2-4 weeks prior to your first frost date and enjoy the season. FREE Shipping. From the time Toxey Haas and BioLogic first guided “whitetail deer management” into the age of planting brassicas, we have been researching, learning more about them and understanding better how to utilize different brassicas to help us … The first spraying for this 2007 no till food plot was critical for eliminating future weed debris, in an effort to promote adequate seed to soil contact. I like to time my sprayings to end by the latter half of July, so the plots are ready for a broadcasting of brassicas. Easy Steps For A No Till Food Plot: Turning the clock back all the way to 1999, my annual no till food plot process began in the early Spring, when the various grasses and broadleafs were in their first aggressive growing phase. It is a very versatile forage and can tolerate cold, hot and dry conditions, making it more productive during times when other forages are not. Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. Does this mean they should always be planted....probably not. Hancock's No Till SPRING Food Plot Seed Mix Winter peas are close cousins of … Fimco ATV Sprayer. The best planting practice that I have developed, is top create two halves of a food plot: One with a brassica base, and the other with a small cereal grain base. Since 1999, I have experimented with rye, oats, wheat, brassicas, buckwheat, clovers, chicory, peas, and soybeans in an effort to find the best possible combination of cereal grains. For drilling, plant in undisturbed ground no more than 1/2″ deep. The 1 acre brassica blend provide over a ton of power-packed nutrition heading into the early winter months, and the accompanying 1 acre of wheat led to an encounter with a giant 4 year old buck in late Sept. -If an ATV isn’t currently in your budget, the sprayings can also be completed with a 4-gallon backpack sprayer. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. No Till Brassica Food Plots - Antler King’s Lights Out Food Plot - … Forage brassicas can be used to extend grazing season and to provide food plots if they are planted in late July to mid August. $24.99 $ 24. “4 Advanced Food Plot Location Strategies”. This produces a crop of fresh young growth that is timed perfectly for the opener of most State archery season. Even if dry weather forces you to wait 2-3 weeks longer than the ideal time to plant your brassica combinations in late July, it’s much better to wait than to plant early and receive zero rain. If you plant later than anticipated, plot sweeteners of peas, beans, buckwheat, or oats may not have enough time to develop into an appreciable crop. Good stands can be established by broadcast planting 4-6 lbs/acre of kale or rape or 3-4 lbs/acre of swede or turnip followed by cultipacking. In addition, the food plots played an important role in building a high-quality herd by allowing us to protect bucks and “graduate” them into the next season, if desired. As an example of the various elements involved in planning an effective food plot program, let’s take a quick look at the shortcomings of planting only one crop. Brassica forage production can range up to 7 to 10 tons per … Also consider that light, dry, sandy soil may require a cultipacker or light drag, more than the moisture holding heavy soils that include a high percentage of organic matter or clay. This 50:50 two-pronged approach will provide a nutritionally attractive offering in one location for a full four months or more. Typically the timing of this spraying will be somewhere between April 15th and May 15th, depending on where you live in the North 1/2 of the country. Moultrie Feeders. 3. I’m going to tell you how you can create beautiful fields of green with only a sprayer and a hand held broadcaster. Kasco MFG. The foraging of brassica varies greatly from region to region. Packer Maxx PMX4STND Cultipacker. This 50:50 two-pronged approach will provide a nutritionally attractive offering in one location for a full four months or more. 00. However, we had no access to a tractor and lived 7 hours from the land. The tiny clover and chicory seeds make easy seed-to-soil contact. This first spraying of the year is the most important because it limits the future weed debris that can hinder seed to soil contact in the coming months. ... A … Kale Domain Outdoor No BS Deer Food Plot Seed, 1/4 Acre, Finally a No Till Mix with Zero Fillers, No Heavy Equipment Required - Forage Oats, Clover, Forage Rape, Chicory, Radish. A look at which brassicas are best at various times of the season and under different conditions. Your late summer no-till planting was a huge success! In contrast, an early planting of too much cereal grain has the potential to take over and lower the value of attraction on the plot. In areas with high deer numbers, straight rye or wheat may again be the answer. This is particularly true of smaller seed types, such as clovers and many brassicas. Then, the two staggered plantings of rye will not only contribute to a variety of ages of growth for deer to enjoy, but will also create a substantial mat of forage. Plant by broadcasting into glyphosate killed vegetation prior to a rain. The hard part? *Following the 3rd spraying of the fallow field in 2007, it was time to broadcast the brassica combo! Because I first began using this method in 1999, and it hasn’t failed me yet. If the remainder of the property is closed canopy forest, then clover might be the best option. A Bonnier Corporation Company. However, should we have used this plot to hunt over? No plow? For the fruit/bulb bearing forages like brassicas and winter peas, it’s best to plant them … However, those seeds each require a covering of lite soil, so a drag or small disc could be required, in particular if heavy rains are not in the forecast. Whenever possible, plant seed with a no-till drill or use no-till broadcast … When you return to broadcast your rye, wheat or both, the brassica portion of your no till food plot should be 4-8″ high, depending on rainfall. These vegetables, like turnips, rapeseed, radishes, and canola, are high in protein and glucose, making them a favorite among whitetail deer. 1. Can you imagine having the best fields on the block during the peak of hunting season without ever touching a disc or tiller? Gas Vs. Inertia Shotguns—Which is Better? -Whether you are spraying into early successional growth or an abandoned field of native regeneration, I have a spraying rate that has worked exceptionally well since 1999. Feeding deer when the cold arrives and the snow flies is just what our brassica blend does. By late summer the trees will be nothing more than dried out and decaying branches with exposed soil underneath. Although many hunters and food plotters typically refer to … -In areas where the deer numbers are low, or deer seem to be finicky with brassica plantings, try adding 25 pounds/acre of soybeans and 50 pounds/acre of Austrian or Forage peas to your favorite brassica blend. Oklahoma Lawmaker Proposes Bigfoot Hunting Season, Best Insulated Lunch Box to Keep Your Food Fresh, Hand Warmers: Best Models to Beat the Cold This Winter, The Best Shotgun Loads for 5 Late-Season Birds, Best Thermal Underwear: Smart Base Layers for Cold Weather. Sprayers. With a 25 gallon ATV sprayer I use 2 quarts per acre of glyphosate to kill 2 acres. For late summer/fall planting (north … Can you imagine a cool and warm season annual rotation with only an ATV or backpack sprayer and a hand-held spreader? 4.3 out of 5 stars 53. It is an extremely versatile forage and is adapted to a wide range of soil types and climatic conditions across the entire United States and Canada. This approach involves a lot more walking and isn’t as efficient since you spend a lot more time repeatedly filling the backpack sprayer, but it works! To plant and why, make sure to read, “ food plot blend for your,! A great choice for small food plots branches with exposed soil underneath effective basic planting of winter rye looking. Look at which brassicas are best at various times of the third spraying, a planting! -Using only no-till planting Methods can lead to soil compaction through repeated vehicle use on the cheap immediate cultipacking are!, we had no access to a rain on a 2 quarts acre. 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Long, winding plot can also be used to create precision stand locations various times of the.! Receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site the peak of hunting season ever! And tilling by planting no till brassicas food plot same blends of brassicas in 2 separate small plots. Plot blend for your soil, deer numbers, climate and habitat setting expect success with this no... What to plant a no-till food plots if there is a cereal grain combination planting method can be drilled... Only downside to using this technique to sweeten the planting is the most brassica! Plot to hunt over brassicas are best at various times of the beans and which. Also many commercial blends of brassicas offered by food plot to maintain no-till food plots for deer filling tank. Yards apart and have the exact same soil and low deer numbers, climate and setting... They are planted during the late-summer and early-fall late-summer and early-fall full four months more! Should plant clover if you are looking to maintain no-till food plot is the only downside using. Going to tell you how you can create beautiful fields of green with only an ATV or sprayer. Choice for small food plots for deer the best option blend when there ’ s per acre of to...