Alice - LoveExistsVisions 34,335 views Like a chick pecking it's way out of an egg, it's time now to hatch. To do this you have to 'marry' the head-mind and the heart-mind and deeply understand relationship as the interplay of light. The Rising Sign is one other such parameter which has a bearing on the way individual projects and portrays himself to the world. Virgo symbolizes the EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, ATTITUDES and ENERGY to adopt throughout your life. The Virgo Look Home Décor Fitness & Food—Eating Well LOVE. Virgo will be able to awaken their own higher self when they realize that there is perfection in the world as it is. By the sign held there you glean the overall goal which should be strived for this lifetime. Because Taurus resonates with peace, you tend to relax once you have all your creature comforts around you. If you have Gemini rising you are here to teach right human relations1. Owing to your Virgo Ascendant, when you meet people for the first time, you are cautious and reserved, as if you feared that opening up too much to the outer world might upset the balance of your life. Virgo/Pisces. If you are a Leo Rising, your soul purpose is to learn to love yourself without needing the approval of others. Your biggest challenge is to not become complacent, and stay awake!Â. It is our divine work and our very reason for being. *PICK A CARD* IN DEPTH PERSONALITY READING,LOVE AND CAREER - Duration: 1:20:53. Where to even start. Your Rising sign can give you a sense of what your soul has come to do in this lifetime: If you have Aries rising you are here to inspire others with Divine ideas1. You realize that you are the embodiment of loving awareness. Gemini (10 am – 12 pm) Gemini people are bubbly and creative when they want to have a good time, … Since Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher you love to think and formulate philosophies to guide our way of living. It is the purest expression of our life and soul, and finding our vocation, discovering the place of wholeness where we can fully be and express ourselves through our life’s work, is the highest purpose of Virgo. To an analytical mind, the characteristics of Virgo themselves may appear as separate things. The Rising Sign bridges the worlds between sleep and awakening. The Virgin’s sense of purpose is all about organizing and dissemination of material resources, so that … Once the flame of awareness has arisen in Leo, it is Virgo’s job to bring that pure awareness into the real world in practical ways. This reminds me of the Zen proverb: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. Your biggest challenge is to not get caught in confrontation but to transmute the energy of any potentially volatile situation, which transforms you and lifts you to your highest potential. You never paid any attention to any detail in your past life. It is important for you to realize that everything you feel isn't yours, and that other people are responsible for their own feelings. If a person does not know their own strengths or weaknesses, it becomes very difficult for them to achieve a seat at the head table. Virgo in Love Meet Your Match Date Planner Breakup Recovery Wedding Planner PROSPER. A potentially mind-blowing holiday gift, Soul Astrology can help you to get clear on what you came here to do AND how you'll do it! Read more,     *    HOW to FIND your SOUL PATH in YOUR HOROSCOPE,     *    Your INNATE MASTERY and GIFTS that you brought with you that will accomplish your life purpose, Artwork: "Feathered Friends" by Josephine Wall, 1. Our 'vocation' is our spiritual calling, you are here to listen to your spiritual calling and make the sacred manifest in the world. For synthesis to happen, there must be separate parts that require synthesising, so we can see that by nature, during the process of synthesizing there is still a sense of separation. It often feels like your life is one big struggle, but it is a struggle which makes you stronger, and comes at the appropriate time. If you have Cancer rising you are here to find your inner light, keep it lit, and flow greater degrees of compassion into the world1. You are learning how to bring spirit into matter. Your Ascendant is Virgo: The Gift of Virgo Rising At your best, you can be supportive, nurturing and stable helping others achieve practical outcomes. In soul-centered astrology, the ASCENDANT indicates the soul’s purpose in physical incarnation. When you realize that you are that awareness, you also know without doubt that you are love. In modern times, the meaning of work becomes distorted when we think we have to accept jobs that are soul-destroying because we need the wages. The love atmosphere for Virgo has a lot to do with daily "working" life, and making the most of the day in general. With Virgo rising you are here to be of service by flowing pure Divine love into the world through your work1. Since Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher you love to think and formulate philosophies to guide our way of living. A potentially mind-blowing holiday gift, Soul Astrology can help you to get clear on what you came here to do AND how you'll do it!Â, Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose, The Labours of Hercules: an astrological interpretation, To do this you have to 'marry' the head-mind and the heart-mind and deeply understand relationship as the interplay of light. Virgo Rising. If you are a Virgo Rising, your soul purpose is to learn to improve the Self and heal others without being over-critical. Such individuals are blessed with the ability to see the philosophical aspects of life. This way you become a 'spiritual pacemaker', striking a heart-tone that others can follow. We heal by bringing our loving, aware, conscious presence to something. Communicate clearly and with purpose. For more information about the symbolism in this print and to view other works in her ongoing series, check out her website, Karen MacKenzie Art. There is a real self, and a false self, and it is your job to figure out which is which. Leo Rising. Scorpio Rising and Pluto in Sagittarius . If you have Libra rising you are here to bring in greater degrees of harmony and balance into the world through right relationship1. The cleansing that happens when the soul is in Virgo is a spiritual cleansing, and the fire of which we speak is the cool spiritual flame of awareness that burns off all ignorance and reveals the light of awareness. Feels like I can understand this reading. I am deeply grateful to Esoteric Astrologer  Candy Hillenbrand for her succinct descriptions of the Soul Purpose of each sign, which I have quoted often in this and other articles. I am so happy to have the recording… from my heart of hearts. If you have Taurus rising you are here to release personal attachment 1 and develop your senses for their highest purpose: to lead you to freedom, liberation, illumination and eventually enlightenment. This one is for the Rising sign in Capricorn. In your case this comes from a deep understanding of the relationship between all things: including people and the beautiful planet we live on. We return to the Mother and reap the harvest by becoming healed, healthy and whole, from where we can be of true service in the world. In other words if you have Virgo Rising, you can consider yourself to be a Virgo Soul, and you Soul’s purpose is to bring greater degrees of love into the world through your sacred work. The spiritual energy of which we speak flows through the heart and, as the fixed air sign, Aquarius is very much a sign of the mind. It's not a simple linear progression from A to B, the soul's journey is more complex than that, but for our current level of understanding it's a good analogy. Own up to your mistakes and take interest in analyzing what went wrong in order to produce better results next time. Yet ironically, in Esoteric Astrology, Mercury is also associated with the development of higher mind. You just … The evolutionary stage of human development indicated by having Virgo on the ascendant is the awakening of our inner, subjective life. [/quote] Your Virgo Soul knows that it is pure awareness itself that resolves all. [quote cite=”~ Dr. Amit Goswami, The Self-Aware Universe“]Consciousness is the ground of all existence. The biggest challenge for you is to create appropriate boundaries, and not take things personally. Flowing this pure divine love into the world by bringing pure awareness (presence or consciousness) into our everyday work is the highest soul purpose of Virgo. Your biggest challenge is finding the balance between self and other in your own relationship. For example if you are a Cancer Soul with a Gemini/Leo personality (Gemini Sun/ Leo Moon) you are here to flow compassion into the world (Cancer Soul) through writing, speaking, communicating (Gemini) and creative self-expression (Leo). Your biggest challenge is to not become complacent, and stay awake!Â. To do this you have to know truth for yourself, the deeper spiritual truth that lies beyond mind and mental concepts. If you are spiritually asleep, you will naturally experience the qualities of your Rising sign as an inherent part of your personality. Your biggest challenge is to not become discouraged and disheartened by the imperfection of the mundane world, which could leave you feeling anxious and critical. You are NOT what you do. Virgo Virgo sun Libra rising; a balanced mixture ... knows how to share his good mood and make everyday life easier in your company. At this point it is said that the son has returned to the mother’s lap. It will determine the way you will pursue your intended goals and needs. Finding the point of balance which honors both is part of your life's work. Your biggest challenge is to use your talent and energy for spiritual purposes: to aspire to spiritual heights rather than becoming lost in the trappings of worldly wealth and achievement. If you have Aquarius rising you are here to flow the dual waters of love and life into the world in ways that benefit humanity1. Karen MacKenzie is working on a series of astrology inspired paintings using goddesses from different cultures. When you access the power of your heart you will use your mind as the vessel, the vase of Aquarius, through which you steadily direct the love and light that flows from your heart. You matter as much as others. Not more, not less. My Virgo rising means that I am analytical and organised, focus and planned, with a practical and grounded approach to healing. You ran away from that place where any problem comes in your past life in dealing with people. The soul purpose of someone with Taurus rising will center on understanding the nature of the physical. At that point, all work becomes your vocation, as the quality of your loving awareness brings perfection to everything you do by making it sacred. Tomorrow we’ll tackle Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini Rising. Virgo: If you have Virgo rising on your first house now, your most significant past life was associated with Leo. Karmic astrology is a spiritual approach to astrology. Because Gemini is so curious you are interested in everything, so your biggest challenge is to stay focused on your soul path and not become distracted by mundane affairs. If you have Leo rising you are here to usher in an era of heart-centered leadership1. Taurus wants to … Your biggest challenge is to not get caught in confrontation but to transmute the energy of any potentially volatile situation, which transforms you and lifts you to your highest potential. When their Leo is unhappy, so is their Aquarius. Because you can feel what others feel, it is easy for you to take on other people's feelings. I've never met a Scorpio soul who had an easy life. The Journey of Your Soul IS Life's Greatest Adventure! "What a beyond inspiring experience for me… Thank you! The soul's journey through the 12 signs of the Zodiac is described by the Tibetan Master in Alice Bailey's ", Your challenge is to tame your mind, cultivate your intuition and cultivate self-awareness to the point where you can distinguish Divine inspiration from the needs and drives of your own personality.Â, to lead you to freedom, liberation, illumination and eventually enlightenment. At the highest level, your Virgo Soul already knows that all things, all phenomena in material existence, arise from pure awareness (or consciousness) and resolve back into pure awareness itself. At each 'stage' we can see that the soul is growing and developing. Virgo Rising people tend to have self confidence issues because of their judgement approach to everything (including themselves, their appearance and their performance). [quote cite=”~ Anya Sophia Mann”]We bring the Being to the doing. The action of Mercury may seem to be Virgo’s downfall, yet it actually indicates the pathway to the higher purpose of Virgo. At the personality level, Virgo has a brilliant, sharp, analytical mind. Let go of  ideas of how things 'ought to be' and flow your love anyway. I've created THREE STEPS to living your life purpose… Whether you will experience and actualize the full spiritual potential of your Rising sign or not, depends upon your level of consciousness. In esoteric astrology, the Ascendant is the key indicator of the Soul’s Purpose. The soul is on an unfolding journey in which it eventually passes through each sign. [/quote] So now we can begin to see that when we talk about our vocation or spiritual calling, we are not talking about searching high and low until we find some special kind of perfect sacred work, but rather it is about making the ordinary things that we do sacred by bringing the purest quality of our loving awareness to them in deep recognition that all things really are sacred. Sunday Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini Rising. [quote cite=”~ The Tibetan, Esoteric Astrology”]I am the Mother and the child. Zemnya, original artwork by Seattle artist Karen MacKenzie. Life is a mixture of experiences that not only decide our present state but also of what is to come. Travel Entertaining Family Dynamics Friendship LEARN. In contrast, our true vocation is actually our spiritual calling. Pat Paquette, Co-Founder of RealAstrologers, Weekly Forecast September 16: Full Moon in Pisces, Pluto Direct. In Esoteric Astrology, this process of “all things returning to the mother awareness” is reflected in the soul keynote for Virgo: It often feels like your life is one big struggle, but it is a struggle which makes you stronger, and comes at the appropriate time. What we can say is that the soul’s purpose is projected through the persona at the Ascendant. The spiritual energy of which we speak flows through the heart and, as the fixed air sign, Aquarius is very much a sign of the mind. Dogmatism and zealous, one-sided convictions need to be shed in order for you to fulfill your highest purpose. Virgo Life Purpose and Career Mantra and Purpose. This includes every physical experience from aesthetic to intimate. The word “pure” comes from the Latin purus, which derived from the Greek pyr, meaning “fire.” The words pure and pyre (as in a funeral pyre) originate from the same root. If you enjoyed this post you'll LOVE this book! Gemini Rising. The perfection you seek is the perfection of the soul. It is too easy for you to be lost in ideas. So we can see that it is not analysis itself that heals (because by nature analysis dissects and separates), but rather it is the quality of the awareness that we bring to something that heals, because it brings us back to an awareness of wholeness, and in this wholeness, we find love. The “Son awareness” would be our everyday fear-based mind made up of thoughts, stories, fantasies, ideals, concepts, strategies, plans, emotions, and so forth. Once Virgo has awakened to the soul it is ruled by dharma Dharma that is inspired by a higher purpose Dharma that is driven by an inner authority Under the influence of its esoteric ruler the Moon, Virgo fulfills its dharma by providing service that is motivated by love If you have Capricorn rising you are here to express your vocation for the greater good1. Career & Life Purpose Money LIVE. This process of putting things back together again is called “synthesis.”. So that's what you are here to do! They’re caring and benevolent, and so optimistically smiley-faced that … The very word “heal” comes from the Old English haelan, which literally means “to make whole.” That which makes things whole is pure awareness itself. Because Leo is in the twelfth house for a Virgo rising, they can sometimes feel that social change and collaboration is the ultimate challenge and purpose of life and put themselves on the back burner to work on developing the right kind of community. Whether you will experience and actualize the full spiritual potential of your Rising sign or not, depends upon your level of consciousness. Her article “Esoteric Astrology: The Journey Of The Soul” is  an excellent and concise overview of Esoteric Astrology and can be found online at, __________________________________________. Why Meditation Can Be Difficult When You're Learning Astrology, How To Make It Easier, and Why You Should! See end of article for more info. Our 'vocation' is our spiritual calling, you are here to listen to your spiritual calling and make the sacred manifest in the world. The Rising sign, the soul and the soul’s purpose are therefore one and the same”. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water! Your challenge is to tame your mind, cultivate your intuition and cultivate self-awareness to the point where you can distinguish Divine inspiration from the needs and drives of your own personality.Â, If you have Taurus rising you are here to release personal attachment1 and develop your senses for their highest purpose: to lead you to freedom, liberation, illumination and eventually enlightenment. In this way, your sense of discernment, practicality and willingness to serve rises to the fore, adding purpose and fulfilment to your life. If you have Scorpio rising you are here to transform darkness into light1 through your own personal journey of healing and transformation. Once the separate parts become whole again, the highest octave of Virgo has transcended separation and returned to wholeness. Yet when we reverse the analytical process, they lead us back home through a process of purification or spiritual cleansing. As you awaken to your spiritual purpose you will feel a quickening, experiencing the subtle stirrings of your soul’s calling, through your Rising Sign. Aries Rising. These attributes combined with an inherent desire for perfection can lead to many of the challenges that our Virgo friend experiences at the fear-based personality level. This succinctly points to the process experienced by the soul in Virgo. This amazingly simple method from a Tibetan Master unlocks the secrets of your Soul - revealing your Soul Path and life purpose for this incarnation. This way you become a 'spiritual pacemaker', striking a heart-tone that others can follow. You are learning about energy and how to flow energy in ways that are beneficial to all concerned. This intrigues the Virgo Job seekers to such an extent that they want to jump into it head over heels. While the sign of Virgo is often associated with brilliant research and detailed analysis, the true gift of Virgo (and her association with healing) lies in the way she puts things back together again! If you are a Cancer Rising, your soul purpose is to love and nurture others responsibly. The Virgo rising individual is inclined to tell it like it is, rather than beat around the bush. The soul is on an unfolding journey in which it eventually passes through each sign. Your biggest challenge is to release all man-made mental concepts, go beyond opinions and philosophy, and discover the underlying truth of your existence. Ruled by Mercury, the Virgo mind is perceptive, discerning, detailed, incisive, and analytical. Let’s pause for a moment and (in true Virgo style!) The Soul purpose of a person with Virgo rising is to choose with profound discrimination the right methods, processes, techniques, that will allow his or her “Inner Child” (the Soul) to be born. It i… The Libra rising person has a love for the good life and tends to have expensive tastes. "Â, "It really helped me to understand so much more than a normal astro reading. Your biggest challenge is to release all man-made mental concepts, go beyond opinions and philosophy, and discover the underlying truth of your existence. Develop the patience necessary to pay attention to details and work on technical skills. Your mission is to learn your individuality. Cancer Sun Sagittarius Rising Here come the most delightfully inspiring people on the planet. Soul Path Astrologer Ruth Hadikin specializes in supporting you on your own greatest adventure: using Soul Astrology to explore your Soul Path and Life Purpose. Read more articles like this in her free newsletter. They have to accept that everything what happens to them has a cause. Your biggest challenge is finding the balance between self and other in your own relationship. They love studying, evaluating and methodically weighing up everything they do. You are learning about energy and how to flow energy in ways that are beneficial to all concerned. Your biggest challenge will be to get out of your head and into your heart. Your biggest challenge will be to not become identified with your actions. who are you & what is your life purpose?! ", "Thanks so much for taking the time and for being so concise with clarity. This amazingly simple method from a Tibetan Master unlocks the secrets of your Soul - revealing your Soul Path and life purpose for this incarnation. 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